PRIMO is a project funded under the EDGE (Exploiting Distribution Generation) Programme, jointly funded by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) and the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT).
The project started on 1 February 2020 and will run for three years.
The host institution is EDF Lab Singapore.
Partnering institutions are TUMCREATE Ltd., SIT and Nanyang Technological University (NTU).
On TUMCREATE's side, Tobias Massier is Co-I.
The goal of the PRIMO project is to create a platform for interconnected micro-grid operation.
This platform will be capable of maintaining safe operation of the local micro-grid by
The framework is to be demonstrated for a study area at Punggol in Singapore within the intended Punggol Digital District (PDD) micro-grid system.
The project comprises four sub-projects:
In sub-project 1, a good understanding of the underlying electric grid and uncontrollable DES is developed by modelling traditional loads and photovoltaic (PV) installations in the study area.
In sub-project 2, future scenarios and models for flexible DES, i.e. V2G-enabled electric vehicle (EV) charging as well as DSF in air-conditioned buildings, are formulated for the study area. Furthermore, the user behaviour and social acceptance of the proposed flexible DES is investigated.
The control methods for local micro-grid operation are developed with a focus on cost-optimal operation and its implementation on the test bed in sub-project 3.
In sub-project 4, the coordination framework and communication protocol for neighbouring micro-grid interaction is designed.