A Research Platform for Singapore



Founded in 2010, TUMCREATE is a multidisciplinary research platform fostering bilateral research exchanges between the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and world's leading universities, local institutions, and public agencies as well as industry partners from the region to contribute to the sustainable transformation of societies through science and technology. Funded by the National Research Foundation, TUMCREATE's multi-faceted research projects span topics from urban mobility, food science and technology, biomedical technology and preventive care to solutions for a carbon-neutral megacity. Over the last years, the research teams presented more than 1,000 publications, with more than 70 doctoral students qualified for a career in research and industry. These achievements and the strong rapport established with its international partners reflect the institution's high-quality research output and scientific impact.

TUM as part of the CREATE campus

TUMCREATE was established in 2010 to facilitate research collaborations between Singapore and the Technical University of Munich (TUM). As part of the Campus for Research Excellence And Technological Enterprise (CREATE) funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF), TUM has the opportunity to access research funding from Singapore. We work closely with local institutions as well as with world-leading universities that are part of the CREATE campus, e.g. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Cambridge, Hebrew University of Jerusalem or the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. The more than 50 researchers appreciate this unique opportunity for academic exchange and the development of research ideas in Asia. In this context, TUM and TUMCREATE maintain a successful long-term partnership with Nanyang Technological University (NTU).


In its first research phase from April 2010 to March 2016 the research focussed on electromobility in megacities.

Information on TUMCREATE Phase 1


In its second 5-year research phase from April 2016 to September 2021, the research focussed on defining the ultimate public transport system for Singapore through a vision of public transport involving electric autonomous vehicles from 2030 onwards.

Information on TUMCREATE Phase 2


Food Science in focus - the challenges of the 21st century in view

With the latest major program Proteins4Singapore, TUMCREATE is expanding its portfolio with a complex, forward-looking life science project. The research programme focuses on alternative and sustainable protein sources and the engineering of these proteins for specific functions in foods that are both nutritious and digestible. Proteins4Singapore will enable Singapore to provide highly nutritious, palatable and functional protein-based foods. In addition to the food science anchor project, our researchers are also looking at issues concerning carbon neutrality/sustainability, medical diagnostics, mobility or energy. Also in these areas, we seek to find scientific answers to and pioneering technologies for addressing the challenges of the 21st century - for Singapore and the world.



TUMCREATE Ltd is located at 1 CREATE Way, CREATE Tower, #10-02 Singapore 138602.

To contact TUMCREATE click here.
