A Research Platform for Singapore

MESMO - Multi-Energy System Modelling & Optimisation

With the integration of electric vehicle (EV) charging and uncertain renewable generation, maintaining stability in the electric distribution grid becomes a critical challenge. To this end, there exists a need for a dedicated software framework to simulate the active distribution grid operation with flexible loads and battery energy storage systems (BESSs). The tool MESMO (Multi-Energy System Modelling & Optimisation) is being developed by TUMCREATE as a simulation tool which integrates active distribution grid operation with classic power flow studies.


Approach and Methodology

MESMO (formerly known as FLEDGE, Flexible distribution demonstrator) is a software framework for the integration of distributed energy resources into the distribution grid. Equipped with power flow solvers and optimal scheduling algorithms, the tool is suitable for classical studies as well as for designing optimal operation strategies.

MESMO's main capabilities are:

  1. Traditional simulation: Non-linear models for electric grids / thermal grids, DERs and power flow solution methodologies.
  2. Optimisation: Convexified models for electric grids / thermal grids / DERs and solution interfaces for convex optimisation.
  3. Market simulation: Bidding strategies of flexible DERs and transactive energy market clearing mechanisms. (under development)

With a focus on the distribution grid, MESMO enables realistic modelling of unbalanced multi-phase distribution grids and a range of distributed energy resources.

Nominal operation problem — Example: Grid impact of electric vehicle charging

Calculation of the power flow solution with distributed energy resources represented through nominal time-series models as fixed loads or generators
MESMO - nominal operation

Optimal operation problem — Example: Flexible load dispatch and market clearing

Convex optimization for dispatch of distributed energy resources with flexible loads or generators modelled as state space models and electric/thermal grids through sensitivity matrices

MESMO - optimal operation

System architecture and model structure

MESMO comprises various modules for model definitions, problem definitions, plotting, etc.
It targets different kinds of users – from researchers using MESMO's low-level interfaces to other users such as decision using makers using MESMO's high-level interfaces.
The mathematical models include solution algorithms. The database interface is for definition of access methods for internal model and scenario data, while the API is used to define user-exposed functions and orchestration of interaction between subsystems.


Implementation and source code

MESMO is free software implemented in Python 3.8.
It is open source. Researchers and developers are welcome to contribute to the development of MESMO.
The repository with the complete source code and some basic examples can be found on Github.

MESMO is currently being used and further developed by researchers of various research institutes and institutions of higher learning.

Outcomes and projects

MESMO has been used in various projects in Singapore and Germany.
Current use cases include the evaluation of the impact of road transport electrification in Singapore and possible mitigation measures.

More than twenty of TUMCREATE's publications have contributed to the development of MESMO or used MESMO to generate results.
